Friday, August 13, 2010

Crucible - Day Three (Saturday 8/14)

The Home Stretch

Day 3

Reveille (3 am)

Nine-mile hike (4 am - 7 am)
November Company  finishes Crucible with a nine-mile hike from the Crucible site back to the battalion.

Sara, and her sister Marines, will be chanting as they near the end of the march... crossing DI bridge ...heading for the Parade Deck and the Iwo Jima Monument.  Can you see them?  ...this exhausted group of young women... dirty, hungry, tired... holding their heads high with a new found energy... having been pushed to the limit...  now marching back from this lifechanging Crucible... victorious!   OohRah! 

The Company, Platoon, Squad, and personal pride at the accomplishment is almost palpable.  Some are helping others make it the last of the journey.  No one is left behind. Louder and stronger become the voices of these new Marines for all to hear on this early Saturday morning.  Some passersby stop and watch and remember.  This is good.  It is good to see order, and discipline and the fight for right passed on to this newest generation. 

For 54 hours, the "events" have been conquered and the "battles' fought.  New wisdom, knowledge and understanding has been acquired.  Emotions  kick in and excitement builds as the turns are made and the end is in sight.  Semper Fi.  Crucible is done.  (Parents are breathing again and wondering...)

...But deeper than Crucible, the personal war... of self-denial... of self control... of self sacrifice... has been waged since each one stood on the yellow footprints and passed through the Silver Hatches.  As victors of that battle these women warriors emerge from the smoke desiring to live lives characterized by Honor, Courage and Commitment.  ...Core values that will carry them through life and be the bedrock for their success in whatever they may choose to do.

Eagle Globe and Anchor Ceremony (7:30-8:00)
After this moment, Sara will never more reply "this recruit ...".... She, as a new Marine will receive an Eagle Globe and Anchor from DI SSgt Soper or her SDI SSgt Wynsote marking her transition from a recruit to a Marine.  In the glory of the moment, I sense her pride and emotion.  I am so proud of her.

Warrior's Breakfast
The new Marines of November Company are treated to a breakfast fit for only true warriors.

Sara.... enjoy your well-deserved and hard-earned all-you-can-eat steak, eggs and potatoes.

Unbelievable! Sara will call home tomorrow, (Sunday 8/15) and we will get to hear her voice for the first time since May 24.

What a journey!

I love you Sara!



  1. Wow! I found this blog last night and began reading it and just now finished it - from beginning to end. You did an awesome recording facts, sharing information and sharing your daddy's heart with us all. I am so proud for you and Cheryl and Sara and the rest of the family. Please keep us updated and enjoy the family reunion that will take place this next week. Love to our favorite Steffins family! Pattie & Matt

  2. Thank you Pattie for reading. It has been a journey to be sure. Most of all, thank you for your loving friendship over these now thirty years. Amazing! Blessings on you both and yours.
