A Poem for Sara
Well, Sara, You did it!
Basic is done
You have finished the course
A true Warrior become.
Remember the goodbye?
Plane trip? USO?
The bus ride in darkness
That began this whole show?
Yellow footprints, Silver Hatches
Blaring voices -- so loud
Blaring voices -- so loud
The extremely short phone call
To Parents so proud
Who wept through their laughter
In hearing your voice
Not sleeping now! Wide-eyed!
Reliving your choice
To follow this calling
In life…to be seen
As worthy; the title
Of U.S. Marine.
Remember you thought
You would blend in and hide?
Being quiet and learning
Along for the ride?
But you are too good
Too fast and too strong
Too much of a leader
In back to belong
So front row and center
They pushed you to be
The guide of your Squad
During Drill and PT.
It was noted how hard
You determined to win
How hard you were pushing
From without and within.
Your DI’s were talking
“Just look at that girl”
“What a fighter,” “Let’s push her…
Test her mettle… for sure”
Your Senior took note
When you charged in the fight,
“Damn, St---s!” she said
As she watched in delight
Your battle with Pugils -
Aggression with force.
No oven-baked cookies*
From that gal,… of course!
From that gal,… of course!
Since Forming, and Pick-Up
And shots in the butt
White “gookie” liquid
To drink “for your gut”
More PT and Drill
More Drill and PT
“Don’t sleep through your watch!”
Or… misplace Ernie!**
Voice screaming, not saving
An ounce, though you tried
For the service on Sunday
To sing and take pride
In serving the Master…
Your King and your Lord;
To lead by example
Platoon 4024.
Up late with your moonbeam
Pen, pad, and dim light
You opened your heart
And continued to write;
Your thoughts, and the scriptures
Found helpful; Your love,
Your emotion; devotion
To Father above.
Then came the letters
Of gel in your hair
No shaving, no bathing,
The Dentist Chair…
The loss of your Wisdom --
Extraction of teeth,
And your crazy impatience
To have more PT.
My goodness!
Now Drill…and wanting so much
A phone call to make
A phone call to make
To have a “voice touch.”
The days of Phase One
Turned into Phase Two.
The writing of letters
Would just have to do.
Swim week and Fittings
For new uniforms
Service Alpha’s and Covers
Inspections galore.
O-Courses, Chow time
and letters to read
Marches to march and
Recruits to lead.
Your training days passed
Each one adding on
To the person… the Warrior…
You now have become.
Came Grass week
Dry firing… forever it seemed
Snapping in…You, the student,
Learned perfectly!!
For all the time spent
With Ernie – a chore!-
The best over all…
You earned the top score.
IT’d for a smile,
A laugh at a Jig,
Leaning on cubbies…
“Ain’t nothin’ big!
A chance for a workout.”
“More PT for Me!
Just loving the burn
And my ‘swoll’ body!”.
And then, the test!
The big test arrived.
The Crucible was on.
And you…you survived
You excelled…
Though pushed to extremes
You fought to be strong
In spite of the screams,
The noise and the mayhem;
The horrors of war…
Then Basic was finished…
…and you breathed …once more.
So off to collect you
Making our way
Across half the nation
For your final day
We joined a great host for
Your last Moto run,
Five hours of freedom,
And graduation.
With families cheering
Eyes leaky with pride
What joy just to have you
Stand back by our side
So tall and so crispy
You marched in the front
What Honor, what Courage
What great Commitment.
I love you dear Sara.
This thing that you've done
Brings honor to me --
And pride! You've become
More than you were
Much more than in May
When you left us and began
This "adventure" that day.
And so you commence,
Now twice, in three months,
And begin a new life...
A great challenge! – And once
You've been schooled
Thoroughly trained for the fight--
May your vision live on --
Your dream to take flight!
Basically trained!
Just beginning -- yet finished!
…what experience you’ve gained!
A Leader!
And proud to be seen
In the well earned attire…
A U.S.Marine.
Oohrah! Sara
Semper Fi
Semper Fi
Your loving Dad
August 20, 2010
* "oven baked cookies" - At Sara's swearing-in, during the flurry of hours at MEPS, a dear Marine of a long past vintage, present for the swearing-in of a great-grandson, shuffled up to where we were hugging and taking pics and looked me square in the eyes, at Sara, and then back at me, and gently smiling said "Shouldn't she be at home baking cookies?" Though we laughed, it was apparent his first hand combat experience and knowledge betrayed his ability to do more than thank a young woman for her desire to serve.
** Sara and her rack-mate affectionately referred to their M16 Assault Rifles as "Bert" and "Ernie" -- a true reflection of the culture in which they grew up. (I suppose if I followed the theme, I would have referred to mine as "Captain Kangaroo" or "Mr. Green Jeans", or maybe even "Bozo" (not!) ...Whatever!) One unfortunate recruit was dropped back to another Platoon (adding 2 weeks to Boot training) during grass week because she left her weapon unattended and it was 'misplaced.'
** Sara and her rack-mate affectionately referred to their M16 Assault Rifles as "Bert" and "Ernie" -- a true reflection of the culture in which they grew up. (I suppose if I followed the theme, I would have referred to mine as "Captain Kangaroo" or "Mr. Green Jeans", or maybe even "Bozo" (not!) ...Whatever!) One unfortunate recruit was dropped back to another Platoon (adding 2 weeks to Boot training) during grass week because she left her weapon unattended and it was 'misplaced.'
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