Friday, November 11, 2011

UNIQUE DAY in current history

Yesterday, 11/10/11, we celebrated the birthday of our Marine Corps family... another anniversary to express pride and thanks for the Corps and the service of our men and women.  I so appreciate the protection and preservation of the rights we take for granted.  We have no idea how truly blessed we are!

And today, my favorite number combination pops up, 11/11/11, to celebrate ALL of our Veterans and their families... the memory of lives sacrificed (hopefully for the greater good of mankind)... to remember our warriors who are suffering, due to the atrocities perpetrated by man on man (ironically almost all of whom claim to fight on behalf of or in the name of the Almighty One), and finally, to recognize the service of the countless men and women, who because of their efforts doing the details behind the front lines during times of war allowed and led to victory.  Thank you.

Thank you, LCpl Sara, and the entire MALS "55" group for your service to our country and support for the greater good and success of the USMC... your Corps... our Corps...  the MARINE CORPS!
 So, not only does the date look cool... 11/11/11 ... but for me it represents a reminder.  I often, somehow, happen to see digital clocks through the days, at 11:11 (both dark and light time) and get the same reminder.

I am reminded that when I was a boy, I used to believe that the words of the Jewish historical guy named Yeshua (who we call Jesus) were true.  As I became a man, and grew out of and away from the "village" context of ideology and faith, I began exploring on my own.  I have continued that exploration through the years, buying and reading sacred scriptures of world religions, faith groups (some considered to be cults), as well as many of the variations on the theme in the world of Christianity.

At the end of the day, when I come back to the words of Yeshua, some of which were passed forward in the first four books of what is called the New Testament in the Bible, I am amazed by the simplicity of the truths.  I find that, all things considered, I still do believe His words to be true and correct.  And the older I get, I find that I want to understand more completely why he said the things he said, and what he meant for me by them.  So I try to connect the dots.  And because of that, with time, this sort of odd relationship has happened.  Odd because I relate to someone I cannot experience with my physical senses.  But it's good.

So why is 11/11. and especially 11/11/11, kind of cool for me?  Because I get reminded that there is a formula for success that if I buy into, mine is guaranteed.  I like that. 

Jesus said these words ... (and I know he said them because the guy who printed the Bible I sometimes read used red ink to prove it, ha!) ... and they help me keep my priorities in line (squared away)...

...But seek [aim at and strive after] first of all His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right], and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.
I guess someone will have to read the paragraphs in front of this to figure out the "things" Jesus was referring to. But its a good read.  (this was from the Amplified Bible from chapter six in the book Matthew, verse 33)

So, 11/11/11 at 11:11a and 11:11p. The ultimate reminder for me on this unique day in our life.

Happy Veterans Day.

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