Monday, June 21, 2010

Letters from Semper Fi Sara

No Pics to post here... wish I had some of Sara. Here are some excerpts from the 5 letters received today... I have been out of town so it was AWESOME to get a pile of letters today that were written and mailed over a 10 day period.  Sara says she gets piles of mail at the same time too so "the mail system 'has great vaccuum'". Ha!


"PT was great today...individual 2 mile run timed.  I don't know my time...they didn't tell us but I came in 5th out of about 130 recruits."

"Today was a black flag day so we were kept inside in classes all day due to heat."

"We wash our hair every two days now."

"Our platoon is slowly dwindling down.  We started out with 72 and now we are down to 65."

"I highly respect my DI's. There are no marines  as professional and sharp as a DI is.  Yeah they're annoying but we are going to be so freaking awesome come graduation day with the combination of DI's we have :) One is in love with drill and the other is picky about everything else."

"We are so put down everyday it gets lonely.  I always forget to not look them in the eye when I talk to them and when they talk to me, lol.  Big habit of mine because of what I was taught growing up :b  Thanks guys! lol jk jk "

"Today was our first obstacle course and I killed it!  It was such a blast!"

"Training is constant...CONSTANT !! ... not a second of the day are the things that we do NOT  training in some way. !! 

"Philippians 1:20  My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed, but that now as ever I may do honor to Christ in my own person by fearless courage."

"Drill Instructor Staff Sargent Soper is super excited about our "initial drill" coming up.  She is so passionate about drill she even started singing into an M16 tonight while we drilled port arms and order arms :b  She said we were gonna look smokin' hot and "drill is sexy" and sang "Oooh baby" into her weapon, hahahaha.  It was great!"

"Today I got to take apart my weapon and clean all the little parts for our SDI inspection :D THAT was fun! :)"

"When I study my devotions and talk to the Lord, I get a wonderful feeling of calm I am a RECRUIT.  I don't get options, I don't get sympathy or encouragement...we are not spoken to...we are yelled at or ignored.  God seems to direct me to a verse or two every night that pinpoints the struggles I had that day.  He never ceases to amaze me and I love reading His encouragement and love for me, His daughter."

"The habits they basically force on us are definitely good habits.  :)  Amazing manners...actions of respect... being utterly selfless...obeying orders immediately and quickly...etc. & simply LISTENING and following directions :)... easy as pie!  :)  [mmmmm.... pie] :D   "

"Today I believe I hit my 'wall'.  I almost blew up screaming at the top of my lungs on the march home from the obstacle course at leatherneck square because no one else was sounding off... it was really irritating....  ...I shared Isaiah 40:26-31 with a bunch of my rackmates which they liked... Today I believe God tested my patience and self control and I believe I was successful :) with His help & scriptures & some comic relief watching a Drill Instructor "in training."

"The DI's are really turning up the heat...*sigh*"

"I reread all your letters a LOT! Especially on nights I may not get a letter.. I love you so terribly much and can't wait to see you at the end of the summer! :)

Love Sara, Semper Fi

"p.s. 'God, my Shepherd! I don't need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows. You find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.' Psalm 23:1-3 [the Message]"


  1. Thank you for these posts, Jon! I can't wait to hug that girl!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I know you are as proud of her as we are... we are Marine families, very proud of our Marines!

  3. BTW there are certain drill instructors, Kill Hat. 'nuff said. Drill Hat 'nuff said. Knowledge hat. Teaches you everything, with screaming and beating it into your head.. and of course the Senior hat. Who's never there.. Lol mine was there for mail call, and to speak to us other than that it was kill dril and learn.

    Sara is one of the best ladies in this world. Thanks to her parents who've raised her. She's with the Lord at all times and he gives her the strength to fight through this time with her best interest.

    Oorah Sara!

  4. tears in my eyes! gah! LOVE my sister!! thanks for this daddy. xo
