Monday, July 5, 2010

Birds Eye view of Firing Range and PI

Wait for it...wait for it... then click outside the bubble... this little gem will start on the firing range. Grass week starts here. You can use your mouse and click on the tools on the upper left. Have a look around Parris Island while you are here... this is Sara's literal stomping ground. Can you find Leatherneck Square? The Obstacle Courses? The Chapel? The Silver Hatches (Receiving)? I would bet those old runways are great for drill! Can you imagine four Recruit Battalions drilling simultaneously?

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1 comment:

  1. PFC Jeffrey Cox06 July, 2010 04:35

    Hey! Just a little side note. those aren't old runways. They're ranges. i believe. the white you can see is different lengths, 100, 200... and at the end is the "target pit" a lot of fun there. I've never seen Paris Island boot camp. For i was a Hollywood Marine. (The good ones) ;)
