Monday, December 10, 2012

My prayer.... your prayer... our prayer

Me: I pray that the Lord will listen when you are in trouble, and that the God of Abraham will keep you safe.  May the Lord send help and come to your rescue from His holy place. 

May He remember your gifts and be pleased with what you bring to Him.

May God do what you want most... and let all go well for you.
Then... you will win victories... large and small... and we will celebrate... while raising our flag and banners in the name of our God.

May the Lord answer all your prayers!

You: "I am certain, Lord, that you will help me, your chosen one.  You will answer my prayers from your holy place in heaven, and you will save me with your mighty arm." 

Us: Some people trust the power of military might or political influence, but we trust you, Lord God.  Others will stumble and fall, but we will be strong and stand firm.

(adapted from Holy scripture)

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