Thursday, July 1, 2010

Beyond the Cammo's

This is pretty much all that Sara has seen since the end of May.  Cammo Cammo and more Cammo.

Phase 2 is in full swing and after initial fittings at her “O-2” clothing appointment, Sara now has her Dress Blues and Service Uniforms. Dress Blues consist of the dark blue coat, blue trousers, white belt, and white cover (hat).

The Service Uniform, commonly referred to as Service Alphas consists of service coat and trousers, long sleeve khaki shirts with a tie, service sweater, covers (hats), and dress shoes. They are also issued an All Weather Coat for inclement weather conditions. During this appointment uniforms are marked for the tailoring of any required alterations.
This is the male version of the O2 appointment.... just like Men's Warehouse
... and the same service too I bet.  Such straight queue's!

Wearing the uniform is a matter of personal pride and Platoon 4024 has been taught to maintain their uniforms in a neat and serviceable condition.  Sara has caught on as she has mentioned at least three times ironing her cammos for church or drill, etc.  (No iron deficiency in that girl... )

And once all was fitted and fine, Rct Sara had her first official photo in uniform taken.

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