Saturday, July 3, 2010

Innoculations, Savings, a 6 Mile Hike and the MOH

Yesterday, our Recruit had an appointment to receive immunizations or vaccinations intended to keep her healthy during her service in the Operating Forces.  As a Marine, Sara will visit many foreign countries, and the thought here is to provide preventative medicine necessary to prevent illnesses.

On June 27 she wrote "Seven more weeks!  I go chow-by-chow, letter-by-letter, and Sunday-by-Sunday and things are FLYING ... [this week] we do some Admin stuff like going to medical and the travel office to get our tickets to MCT and such plus some fun PT thrown in here and there.  Then we hike out to the rifle range Saturday!  We're basically 1/3 of the way through already :D  ..."

Sara also had a class on the Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, which is Federal Government-sponsored retirement savings and investment plan designed to provide retirement income.  Awesome! 

And this morning, Sara with her LB (load bearing) gear, took a six mile hike.  (Mall walking for the day? -- check!)

Today her schedule calls for a Core Value "foot locker" talk with her SDI, Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sargent Wysote.  They are to discuss the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration awarded by the United States government.

SDI SSgt Wysote will teach her platoon about three Marines that were awarded the MOH.   Two of them share the distinction of being twice awarded the Medal of Honor for separate incidents of outstanding gallantry in action. They are Major General Smedley Butler and Sergeant Major Dan Daly.

These Marines through their personal actions and exceptional bravery in combat demonstrated the Marine Corps’ core values of honor, courage, and commitment. SDI SSGT Wysote will read the citations.

Sara, my heart is with you and all your platoon tomorrow as we celebrate our Independance day.  I will always be thankful for the men and women in uniform, for their service and dedication to protect and defend the constitution of these United States and freedom both at home and overseas.

May God protect and bless you!


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