Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wow, I find it hard to believe!
Boot camp is halfway over!

I know it is extremely tough.  I just got word that at least 10 more recruits from the platoon will be dropped back.  A Marine with whom we spent the 4th of July suggested that Platoon 4024 will be about 55 in size.  He said that was the size of his graduating platoon years ago.  I did not realize that such a large percentage are dropped back or move on...increasing the pride in being able to claim the title.

I found a DVD in my Software CD Binder just moments ago. It was an "ahaa" moment as I listened to these parents talk about before and after.

I think if I had seen this in February ... well ... I don't know... I was blinded perhaps by the unknown ...the surprise ... and the reality of the finality of the decision.

Though this is obviously promotional material, so much has rung true.  Perhaps it will help someone behind me in the timeline deal with their Son's or Daughters decision.  We're halfway there and I just "found it".

Nine minutes.  Enjoy the heart of the parents whose children made the same choice in much the same way as our recruit.

Have I said I am the VPD* of RCT Sara recently?

*very proud Dad

Oh yes.... thanks for the heads up Steve, VPD of Platoon 4024 RCT Jacky ... God only knows how Sara's letter to us ended up in Cincinnati.  I will leave my thoughts to your imagination... ha!  We are looking forward to it.  You say it was postmarked July 2?  I just received one today postmarked June 28... go figure!  We are halfway there Steve.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jon,
    This is a fantastic Blog...Halfway home and keeping all recruits of Platoon 4024 in our prayers. They are working hard and making us very proud parents. Steve VPD Plt 4024 RCT Jacky
