Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Whoo Hoo.... LETTERS! Love those LETTERS

Whew,... I feel like we waited for these! I kept telling myself "no news is good news." She is one busy Phase II recruit!

I don't suppose there is much that gives a parent such distinct pleasure as opening a letter from a child and see "MOMMMY!,..." and hear a happy voice exclaiming it in your mind... or as in this last letter to me, have the greeting "Wonderfully amazing daddy..." Now that is good stuff!

Here are few edited excerpts from these last letters.... enjoy... and please keep sending those cards and letters to encourage her... thank you.


"...There are so many things from the civilian world that don't even occupy my mind anymore...I completely forgot about my cell phone, lol  (amazing I know :b ) but honestly, I've been drilled with so much other information and activities that I don't miss it...or driving...or TV...or junk food (aka ice cream :b )..."

"I love what I am doing and the challenge it brings each and every day."

"...we have a 7 mile hike to the rifle range in the morning. We're moving out there for the next two weeks :) MAJOR learning experience. Our PMI is the BOMB and super passionate about his job and really motivating. He knows what he is talking about!"[Primary Marksmanship Instructor]

"DRILL IS LIFE here on PI -- as DI SSgt Soper would say, 'It's like a sport...if you don't pay attention to every little detail and stay alert... your gonna miss the shot or get hit in the head with the ball.' (figuratively speaking of course :b ). I've grown to love it."

"Today I rappelled off a 60ish foot tower (I think). It was a blast :) and it's not the little slow bounding down rappelling either. We double timed down that sucker. :)"

"...the CHALLENGE here is the part that attracts me the most and keeps me interested."

"...the hikes are probably the most difficult PT thing we do...but once its over you feel so darn good :D amazing workout!"

"I'm first squad leader :) so I am always busy w/some job... I like my billet though...it gives me that little bit more of a higher standard to meet...."

"Philippians 1:3 'Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart.' So true.... I miss you so much! I pray everyday for you and your safety and health...you are ALWAYS on my mind :) ."

Young lady, you are always in our thoughts and prayers as well.  I am pleased that you are choosing to keep your attitude positive.  I do know that yours is an extreme journey, and not easy by any stretch of the imagination.  It sounds like you are keeping your head in the game!  Good job!

[Oh, I think your cat Timmy smells you on the letters spread out on the bed as I wrote this... I kept having to move him off of them... ha! So that will explain the wrinkles on them in the binder.]

"Is this as close as I can gets?"

"Sigh.... I miss my mommy...!"


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful!!! I got a letter from her yesterday...It made my week. completely. She said she was her squad's 1st leader...i'm not sure what that is but it sounds AWESOME! : )
