This week...Team Week... is also providing time for remediation of any 4024 recruits that failed to qualify with the rifle, and the opportunity for the group to heal from minor injuries incurred from earlier training.
Our ladies are now well over half-way through recruit training.
While there is no official status of a senior recruit, at this phase of training Sara and company are finishing up Phase 2 and on the verge of entering the Third Phase where they will face the challenges of Basic Warrior Training (BWT) and the Crucible.
I cannot believe that we are actually this far in...! What a journey it has been... just from the outside looking in.
My anxiousness disappeared as the letters sent home have spoken of excitement, hard work, challenges, rewards and now... new talk ... there is talk of the future in the letters... looking forward to MOS training, being home for awhile... being able to taste food again (taking the time to enjoy the foods and flavors).
I have received a list of foods to have on hand for our Family Day picnic (weather permitting) somewhere on base... our "original six" will be travelling from all over the place to be together to celebrate this mammoth accomplishment... the last time we came together was, as remembered in one of the first posts on this blog, Sara's high school graduation. That seems forever ago... emotionally... for us all.
Thousands of words have been written back and forth since May 24. Hearts and minds have changed and been changed. We still flip through early letters, and copy, fax, text, email when a letter comes to one of us... a badge of privilege happily shared. Grandparents especially enjoy the pride of a call saying "we just got a letter... wanna here what she said?... or "she sounds wonderful!"
Probably one of the sweetest things for me is to see in writing, penned by the hand of a hard working recruit... the request for a date with Daddy.
OohRah Sara! I am proud of you. I am ready to hear your voice.
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