Sara walked off Quantico moments ago in her civvies with a piece of paper in her hand and a new smile on her face. She is now headed home for a visit, behind the wheel of her new truck.
Much of the journey from DEP Poolee to E-6 is logged on this blog and now enters the phase of hindsight and memory. With better than 13,500 visits by the time I was asked to make it private for security reasons, three years ago, this blog has been a great therapeutic experience. Now it is public again with the hope that some parent, or friend, or aspiring Marine will find the information, though dated, of some help and perhaps even insightful.
"Goodnight 'Chesty!' Wherever you are."
Sara's "Little" Adventure
In February 2010 after completing requirements for a May 2010 High School graduation, my youngest daughter informed me that she was bound for adventure as a Marine recruit. This blog is dedicated to her, to give some chronology to the "adventure," and to give a sense of the emotion and pride that comes with being inducted into the U.S. Marine Corps family through a child.
Friday, June 12, 2015
The end of the "Adventure"
Five years? Really!?
We were surprised a while back by Sgt Sara that she had made the decision to EAS or End her Active Service. For many reasons, we were convinced she was to be a career Marine.
When I asked her why, she replied, "Dad, with the MSG program and this past year [as a first female MSG MSAU], I have done everything I got into the Marines to do. It's time to move on." Well, good!
So, on the day she says 'good-bye' to her life of the past 5 years, it will be with great pride and honor that I will "lower" and put away the USMC flag that I have displayed in my yard 24/7/365 since the day she became a United States Marine that August morning after the Crucible back in 2010.
Words cannot describe the journey this has been. I have been emotional. I have been anxious. I have been proud. I have been honored. I have been glad. This "little" adventure took me across the country three times... to Parris Island, to Cherry Point, and to Quantico. I have proudly stood several times a year at concerts and ball games, being recognized as the parent of a Marine, and I always stand during the playing of the Marine Hymn.
This "adventure" took our Marine to Parris Island, Havelock, New River, Quantico, Baghdad, T'Blisi, Arbil Governate, the Ukraine, the Bahamas, West Virginia, as well as Paris, Istanbul, and Kuwait City (and probably other places I just don't know about yet, ha!). She had to be med-evac'd by chopper, went horseback riding in the Caucusus mountains, walked the coast of the Black Sea, and other adventures which are left unwritten. She personally met and worked with Ambassadors, the VPOTUS, and our Secretary of State.
The Red Cross along with her FRO (Family Readiness Officer Ms Amy Watson), helped get her home from the other side of the planet within 48 hours of initial contact so she could say good-bye to her dying Grand-dad. Her "Pop Pop" prayed for her day and night. Her choice to give these years in service caused her to miss a lot of our lives and for us to miss a lot of hers. I would say that that has been the biggest challenge ... missing the events that make family a family. She is still Sara, but what I see is so radically different. She left our home a nervous, if not a smidgen rebellious, DEP Poolee. She became one of the Honor Graduates from Boot Camp, was meritoriously promoted twice, was selected as a first female into the post Bengazi MSG Augmentation Unit. While overseas she was Assistant Det Cmdr of her unit. She picked up some new scars and significant necessary tattoos. (Memories of a schoolhouse brown recluse encounter while sleeping remain visible due to emergency surgeryas well as a Spider tat next to the scar.)
She now walks with an air of confidence and accomplishment. She has friends for life and a second national family that will never abandon her. She loves guns, the outdoors, and her independence.
All in all, she is a better person, a stronger person, and has become my good friend.
So, Sgt Sara, to you I again say, publicly, thank you. Thank you for staying true to your purpose, for excelling, for never EVER "dropping your pack," for having the backs of the Marines you worked alongside, the Marines you led, and those Marines who led you.
I believe it is safe to say, you have been a credit to the Corps.
Good job Marine.
I will always take great pride that one of my own served her country for better than 5 years, and in particular, as a twice meritoriously promoted, distinguished graduate, company high shooter, range coach, Assistant Det Cmdr female in the United States Marine Corps.
When I asked her why, she replied, "Dad, with the MSG program and this past year [as a first female MSG MSAU], I have done everything I got into the Marines to do. It's time to move on." Well, good!
So, on the day she says 'good-bye' to her life of the past 5 years, it will be with great pride and honor that I will "lower" and put away the USMC flag that I have displayed in my yard 24/7/365 since the day she became a United States Marine that August morning after the Crucible back in 2010.
Words cannot describe the journey this has been. I have been emotional. I have been anxious. I have been proud. I have been honored. I have been glad. This "little" adventure took me across the country three times... to Parris Island, to Cherry Point, and to Quantico. I have proudly stood several times a year at concerts and ball games, being recognized as the parent of a Marine, and I always stand during the playing of the Marine Hymn.
This "adventure" took our Marine to Parris Island, Havelock, New River, Quantico, Baghdad, T'Blisi, Arbil Governate, the Ukraine, the Bahamas, West Virginia, as well as Paris, Istanbul, and Kuwait City (and probably other places I just don't know about yet, ha!). She had to be med-evac'd by chopper, went horseback riding in the Caucusus mountains, walked the coast of the Black Sea, and other adventures which are left unwritten. She personally met and worked with Ambassadors, the VPOTUS, and our Secretary of State.
The Red Cross along with her FRO (Family Readiness Officer Ms Amy Watson), helped get her home from the other side of the planet within 48 hours of initial contact so she could say good-bye to her dying Grand-dad. Her "Pop Pop" prayed for her day and night. Her choice to give these years in service caused her to miss a lot of our lives and for us to miss a lot of hers. I would say that that has been the biggest challenge ... missing the events that make family a family. She is still Sara, but what I see is so radically different. She left our home a nervous, if not a smidgen rebellious, DEP Poolee. She became one of the Honor Graduates from Boot Camp, was meritoriously promoted twice, was selected as a first female into the post Bengazi MSG Augmentation Unit. While overseas she was Assistant Det Cmdr of her unit. She picked up some new scars and significant necessary tattoos. (Memories of a schoolhouse brown recluse encounter while sleeping remain visible due to emergency surgeryas well as a Spider tat next to the scar.)
She now walks with an air of confidence and accomplishment. She has friends for life and a second national family that will never abandon her. She loves guns, the outdoors, and her independence.
All in all, she is a better person, a stronger person, and has become my good friend.
So, Sgt Sara, to you I again say, publicly, thank you. Thank you for staying true to your purpose, for excelling, for never EVER "dropping your pack," for having the backs of the Marines you worked alongside, the Marines you led, and those Marines who led you.
I believe it is safe to say, you have been a credit to the Corps.
Good job Marine.
I will always take great pride that one of my own served her country for better than 5 years, and in particular, as a twice meritoriously promoted, distinguished graduate, company high shooter, range coach, Assistant Det Cmdr female in the United States Marine Corps.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
My "Tulasi" Her Tbilisi
It was about the year 1828 that the Lochapoka clan of the Muscogee tribe established a settlement they called "Tulasi" under the oak tree near what is now the corner of Cheyenne and 18th Street. The tree is still there. Tulasi town, now called Tulsa, actually means "Old Town" in the Creek language. I am proud of the history and 185 year old heritage of the town I call home. That's a long time!
Today I became more aware that age is relative.
After poking around on YouTube this afternoon, looking at clips of TBilisi, I was impressed... again... at how little I know of this grand world of ours... and how easy it is to project a personal world view onto others of whom I know nothing.
In one clip, I listened to a smiling girl, back home in Georgia on holiday, speak proudly of her city, the monuments and history (the language is beautiful ...I was glad for the subtitles, ha!). She mentioned the many church buildings (owing to the fact that Christianity was adopted by the city before 400AD) and how religious Georgians are.
I let myself be consumed. I listened to the music, I looked into faces, and I saw people doing life, loving, hurting, living, laughing, crying ... all of which I am completely oblivious to. My small corner of the universe consumes me, as theirs does them. I wondered what they hoped in and for. And I was hungry, so I wondered about their food... which on the clips looks like it needs to be evaluated in person... yes?
Later, as I drove down the street coming home from church... on MY side of the planet... I was still marveling at the differences. Just look at the ancient Tbilisi architecture and heritage vs. the rapid recent growth in my neighborhood. For example, in just the last five years, fields that were filled with rambling cows and the occasional dilapidated fireworks stand have been replaced with bustling shopping centers, restaurants, elaborate gyms, new car lots and hotels.
Though I may be conditioned to like and appreciate this kind of progress and transition, it is interesting how much enjoyment, and maybe even comfort, I find in the permanent, like the tree that dominates our front yard. It is probably one of the most majestic Oak trees I have ever seen. I would guess that it surely dates back way more than 100 years. I sat one time watching the squirrels do their spiral chase up and down and imagined the world of that young tree many generations of squirrels ago. To think that I have in my own front yard something that represents such great endurance, stability, and longevity.
And then, I look at a city, where my daughter walks, works, and plays whose written history dates back to 364AD and where there is archeological evidence of being inhabited by humans as early as the 4th millenium BC. Really? Well, at least I have an old tree! Goodness!
I just wonder... and want to visit her and that place... to hear, see, smell, and feel the heart of the culture. Oh yeah, and to taste and enjoy...of course!
Matthew 28:19-20
Today I became more aware that age is relative.
After poking around on YouTube this afternoon, looking at clips of TBilisi, I was impressed... again... at how little I know of this grand world of ours... and how easy it is to project a personal world view onto others of whom I know nothing.
In one clip, I listened to a smiling girl, back home in Georgia on holiday, speak proudly of her city, the monuments and history (the language is beautiful ...I was glad for the subtitles, ha!). She mentioned the many church buildings (owing to the fact that Christianity was adopted by the city before 400AD) and how religious Georgians are.
I let myself be consumed. I listened to the music, I looked into faces, and I saw people doing life, loving, hurting, living, laughing, crying ... all of which I am completely oblivious to. My small corner of the universe consumes me, as theirs does them. I wondered what they hoped in and for. And I was hungry, so I wondered about their food... which on the clips looks like it needs to be evaluated in person... yes?
Later, as I drove down the street coming home from church... on MY side of the planet... I was still marveling at the differences. Just look at the ancient Tbilisi architecture and heritage vs. the rapid recent growth in my neighborhood. For example, in just the last five years, fields that were filled with rambling cows and the occasional dilapidated fireworks stand have been replaced with bustling shopping centers, restaurants, elaborate gyms, new car lots and hotels.
Though I may be conditioned to like and appreciate this kind of progress and transition, it is interesting how much enjoyment, and maybe even comfort, I find in the permanent, like the tree that dominates our front yard. It is probably one of the most majestic Oak trees I have ever seen. I would guess that it surely dates back way more than 100 years. I sat one time watching the squirrels do their spiral chase up and down and imagined the world of that young tree many generations of squirrels ago. To think that I have in my own front yard something that represents such great endurance, stability, and longevity.
And then, I look at a city, where my daughter walks, works, and plays whose written history dates back to 364AD and where there is archeological evidence of being inhabited by humans as early as the 4th millenium BC. Really? Well, at least I have an old tree! Goodness!
I just wonder... and want to visit her and that place... to hear, see, smell, and feel the heart of the culture. Oh yeah, and to taste and enjoy...of course!
Matthew 28:19-20
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Everyone but my Marine - Someone had to leave for work!
Georgia Ambassador Norland and new Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili along with Sara's "Boys" and the Det Commander (SSgt on right) |
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Developments - MSAU vs Mustang
Now that the blog is no longer public and can be read by members only, I am happy to be able to share news in a different way.
Today, Sunday, we were surprised with a phone call from Sara. It is always such a treat when she is able to get through to us and we get to hear her voice.
Sara introduced me to a new development for MSG's. I did some reading and this is what I found.
After we chatted, I found in the Marine Times that this past June, 1000 additional Marine Security Guards were authorized boosting the MSG force to 2200 worldwide. Probably as many as 50 new diplomatic sites over the next three years will receive a MSG detachment. This will impact Sara directly as she will be receiving 2 additional MSG's to her detachment in January. The standard detachment size has been increased from 5 to 7 and many will be increased to full squad size of 13.
Next, and of particular interest, is the newly formed MSAU (em-saw) or Marine Security Augmentation Unit which will be made up of 120 MSG's composing 9 or 10 squad sized units. This is a new elite group within the MSG program. Initially, it was to be open only to MSG's with combat operational specialties. Since many MSG's do not come from infantry MOS's and service for at least a year in the MSG program is a prerequisite, others, including females are open for consideration.
After picking up Sergeant, Sara received word from her command at the "schoolhouse" in Quantico that there was interest in nominating her for one of the 120 slots.
This in and of itself is a testament to the confidence her command has in Sara, and quite frankly, Sara's confidence in herself and her work ethic.
The purpose of the MSAU will be to provide immediate crisis response embassy security reinforcement. Should this materialize for Sara, she will be based out of Quantico, VA, possibly for the final year of her enlistment. MSAU participants participate in additional training in communications, weapons, advanced room entry procedures and how to escape from a collapsed building.
The purpose of developing this new asset, according to my research, is to provide an overlap of existing resources available to the Ambassador beyond the FAST teams and MEU's that may be in the area in the event security needs to be beefed up. It also provides a standing team that understands the Embassy mission and is more of an extension of what they are doing already.
Sara says she has 3 options in her mind at this time: One would be to finish her five year active duty enlistment and not "re-up" (this is not under consideration as Sara loves what she is doing); a second option would be to pursue another period of time as active duty enlisted; and the third, as mentioned in a previous post, is to pursue the MECEP, finish a college degree and be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant making a career as an officer (with a desire to fly).
Today, Sunday, we were surprised with a phone call from Sara. It is always such a treat when she is able to get through to us and we get to hear her voice.
Sara introduced me to a new development for MSG's. I did some reading and this is what I found.
After we chatted, I found in the Marine Times that this past June, 1000 additional Marine Security Guards were authorized boosting the MSG force to 2200 worldwide. Probably as many as 50 new diplomatic sites over the next three years will receive a MSG detachment. This will impact Sara directly as she will be receiving 2 additional MSG's to her detachment in January. The standard detachment size has been increased from 5 to 7 and many will be increased to full squad size of 13.
Next, and of particular interest, is the newly formed MSAU (em-saw) or Marine Security Augmentation Unit which will be made up of 120 MSG's composing 9 or 10 squad sized units. This is a new elite group within the MSG program. Initially, it was to be open only to MSG's with combat operational specialties. Since many MSG's do not come from infantry MOS's and service for at least a year in the MSG program is a prerequisite, others, including females are open for consideration.
After picking up Sergeant, Sara received word from her command at the "schoolhouse" in Quantico that there was interest in nominating her for one of the 120 slots.
This in and of itself is a testament to the confidence her command has in Sara, and quite frankly, Sara's confidence in herself and her work ethic.
The purpose of the MSAU will be to provide immediate crisis response embassy security reinforcement. Should this materialize for Sara, she will be based out of Quantico, VA, possibly for the final year of her enlistment. MSAU participants participate in additional training in communications, weapons, advanced room entry procedures and how to escape from a collapsed building.
The purpose of developing this new asset, according to my research, is to provide an overlap of existing resources available to the Ambassador beyond the FAST teams and MEU's that may be in the area in the event security needs to be beefed up. It also provides a standing team that understands the Embassy mission and is more of an extension of what they are doing already.
Sara says she has 3 options in her mind at this time: One would be to finish her five year active duty enlistment and not "re-up" (this is not under consideration as Sara loves what she is doing); a second option would be to pursue another period of time as active duty enlisted; and the third, as mentioned in a previous post, is to pursue the MECEP, finish a college degree and be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant making a career as an officer (with a desire to fly).
Monday, November 11, 2013
Happy 238th Birthday and Happy Veterans Day.
Thank you for your commitment, your honor, and your courage. Mostly, I would thank you for your hard work.
It has been 1,267 days since we walked out of MEPS and left you waving in your DEP Poolee shirt. It amazes me to consider that you have gone from Yellow Footprints to E-5 in 1257 of those days... particularly for a 2nd Airwing Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron Cryogenics Equipment specialist. (that's a mouthful) where rank advancement is contingent on attrition. Yes, as you have stated, MSG work has been good to you ... but then, your achievements and potential has been recognized and your abilities refined.
The only downside? Your last Marine Ball in Baghdad, you were a Lance Corporal (and the youngest Marine in the detachment) so you never got to wear your Corporal stripes to a Ball!... Oh well.
Not that I would prognosticate, but it makes one wonder how long it will be before you are wearing the "Gold Bar" collar device. If you made it your goal for a career choice, I would say... umm ... within the next 36 months, considering college and all. It could happen! But that is a decision that will require another signature sometime in March or April 2014 I would guess as you wind down your fourth year. That is surely something to think about. I won't say it can't be done, because I know you too well.
As always, we pray for you and your choices and will always support whatever you feel led to be and do.
So .. you are missed! Imagine that! :)
Happy Veterans Day and Happy Birthday Marine.
It has been 1,267 days since we walked out of MEPS and left you waving in your DEP Poolee shirt. It amazes me to consider that you have gone from Yellow Footprints to E-5 in 1257 of those days... particularly for a 2nd Airwing Marine Aviation Logistics Squadron Cryogenics Equipment specialist. (that's a mouthful) where rank advancement is contingent on attrition. Yes, as you have stated, MSG work has been good to you ... but then, your achievements and potential has been recognized and your abilities refined.
The only downside? Your last Marine Ball in Baghdad, you were a Lance Corporal (and the youngest Marine in the detachment) so you never got to wear your Corporal stripes to a Ball!... Oh well.
Not that I would prognosticate, but it makes one wonder how long it will be before you are wearing the "Gold Bar" collar device. If you made it your goal for a career choice, I would say... umm ... within the next 36 months, considering college and all. It could happen! But that is a decision that will require another signature sometime in March or April 2014 I would guess as you wind down your fourth year. That is surely something to think about. I won't say it can't be done, because I know you too well.
As always, we pray for you and your choices and will always support whatever you feel led to be and do.
So .. you are missed! Imagine that! :)
Happy Veterans Day and Happy Birthday Marine.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Three Stripes Up and A/Det Cmdr
Sara got "pinned" this morning so now her attire reflects her rank. We are so proud of your hard work, not only making it through the meritorious board process, but for being singled out through that process as the only nominee to be awarded the advancement. You will wear those stripes with great pride and great responsibility as the "A slash" (Assistant Detachment Commander). We are all sitting back home just grinning and enjoying the blessing of God in your life through your hard work and perseverance.
"Ask and you shall receive!!"
"What you think about, you bring about!"
Of course you ordered your Sergeant rank pins ahead of time so you would have them on hand! Why not?!
"If the mind can think it, and believe it, it can achieve it!"
"Show me your five best friends [who you spend your time with], and I will show you your future!"
Singing "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."
"In whatever your hand finds to do, do it heartily as unto the Lord!" ... that you have done.
Well done, Sara. Well done, daughter! Well done, Marine!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Lt Col to Sara ... "Well done, Marine."
From: C[], J[] E
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 6:29 PM
To: S[], Sara E
Cc: R[], Francisco; W[], Larry C; R[], Brandon D
Subject: Congratulations
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2013 6:29 PM
To: S[], Sara E
Cc: R[], Francisco; W[], Larry C; R[], Brandon D
Subject: Congratulations
Sgt S[],
Congratulations on your well deserved meritorious promotion to Sergeant. You were selected #1 out of group of nominated Corporals that represent the very best of within this program and embody what it is to be emulated as an NCO. With this promotion, comes the enormous responsibility of serving as a leader in the NCO ranks. I know that you more than ready to step up and accept the challenge. Well done, Marine.
Semper Fi!
LtCol J[] E. C[]
Commanding Officer
MCESG - Region 1
![]() |
VIA FACETIME: I am soo excited... this is awesome!!! |
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Trim and Fit, Ready and Mean ... Gameface ... the real deal!
This was the foto included in Sara's Meritorious Promotion package which her command nominated her for.
All business. Thanks for sharing, Sara.
All business. Thanks for sharing, Sara.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
MSG Year Two Post
Founded in the 5th century in the heart of the Caucasus mountains by Vakhtang
Gorgasali Tbilisi has served as Georgia's capital for nearly 1500 years,
and its proximity to east-west trade routes made the city a point of contention
between various rival empires. Located on the both banks of the Kura
River and dominated by Mount Mtatsminda, Narikala
fortress and the Kartlis Deda monument, Tbilisi historic district is the center of Old Tbilisi.
United States Embassy |
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
300 CFT... again!
When calls come in like one just did from the other side of the planet, it just makes your day.
Sara is learning all the in's and outs of the new Post One and feeling good. I would think so.
Her arrival went like this... pull a 24 the day before travel wrapping things up and good-byes. Three international airports and 18 hours later, her flight arrived on time at 3am from Istanbul. Then off to report in and straight to the range. After spending time on the range in Baghdad weekly, speed and accuracy netted her a perfect score... or "all money" in her words. Good introduction to her new detachment and Commander since they did not do as well. (big smile).
Then, word comes today that during an inspection by the Regional Officer out of Frankfurt, Sara expressed interest in the MECEP. He mentioned that he had not had a MECEP in a while and could be interested in helping.
What ensued onsite there at her new post was very fun for her. The guy spoke to her Det Commander and had her and another "dude" run a CFT (Combat Fitness Test). For those that may understand the value, she did her best times... the obstacle course in 2:06 and the movement to contact (880 Meters) in 2:35 and 60 ammo can lifts in under 1:30. (she wished she had done 90 to score a 300 on the male CFT) With that she scored a perfect 300 CFT for the third time running (or an equivalent 279 on the male scale).
I would think she made a good impression.
She just finished her college algebra course with a final grade of better than 93%.
Now she will focus on meeting requirements for the next meritorious board and if she meets the requirements in time, she may have a shot at adding a stripe... three stripes in just over 3 years... and then the potential for the MECEP.
"One of the most common programs Enlisted Marines use to transition from enlisted to officer is the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP). MECEP offers qualified Marines the chance to go to a four-year college full-time, while maintaining active duty status and pay. Selection is based on an individual's potential for commissioned service as demonstrated by their service record, previous academic record, and evidence of career and academic self-improvement.
MECEP is for exceptional Marines who have not yet completed their bachelor's degree. Selected marines will attend a 10-week Officer Candidates School (OCS) course and upon completing will attend a university or college offering an NROTC program. Upon completion of their degree, they will be commissioned as second lieutenants."
She says she loves her job. Sounds like it.
Sara is learning all the in's and outs of the new Post One and feeling good. I would think so.
Her arrival went like this... pull a 24 the day before travel wrapping things up and good-byes. Three international airports and 18 hours later, her flight arrived on time at 3am from Istanbul. Then off to report in and straight to the range. After spending time on the range in Baghdad weekly, speed and accuracy netted her a perfect score... or "all money" in her words. Good introduction to her new detachment and Commander since they did not do as well. (big smile).
Then, word comes today that during an inspection by the Regional Officer out of Frankfurt, Sara expressed interest in the MECEP. He mentioned that he had not had a MECEP in a while and could be interested in helping.
What ensued onsite there at her new post was very fun for her. The guy spoke to her Det Commander and had her and another "dude" run a CFT (Combat Fitness Test). For those that may understand the value, she did her best times... the obstacle course in 2:06 and the movement to contact (880 Meters) in 2:35 and 60 ammo can lifts in under 1:30. (she wished she had done 90 to score a 300 on the male CFT) With that she scored a perfect 300 CFT for the third time running (or an equivalent 279 on the male scale).
I would think she made a good impression.
She just finished her college algebra course with a final grade of better than 93%.
Now she will focus on meeting requirements for the next meritorious board and if she meets the requirements in time, she may have a shot at adding a stripe... three stripes in just over 3 years... and then the potential for the MECEP.
"One of the most common programs Enlisted Marines use to transition from enlisted to officer is the Marine Corps Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP). MECEP offers qualified Marines the chance to go to a four-year college full-time, while maintaining active duty status and pay. Selection is based on an individual's potential for commissioned service as demonstrated by their service record, previous academic record, and evidence of career and academic self-improvement.
MECEP is for exceptional Marines who have not yet completed their bachelor's degree. Selected marines will attend a 10-week Officer Candidates School (OCS) course and upon completing will attend a university or college offering an NROTC program. Upon completion of their degree, they will be commissioned as second lieutenants."
She says she loves her job. Sounds like it.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
In every place, in every circumstance!
Sometimes it's hard to get your head around this. That's OK. Your heart "knows" it.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Three years
Corporal Sara... I must say, time and hard work has turned you into a responsible Marine. The change is evident. The pride I feel is greater.
It is hard to imagine it has already been three years since you literally marched out of our lives. In some ways, it has been a long three years. In others, time has seemed to pass quickly. For example, three years ago, your younger brother was just finishing the 9th grade. While you and your fellow NCO's kept vigil at the embassy half way around the world, we saw him proudly graduate last evening. You know he, like you and his other sisters, was a real stand out. He was selected by audition to perform for the graduation. How fitting it is that he sang a song of home, and the love and affection that we find in being a family. During our last time together, surely you sensed the deep deep love and commitment we have for you and for each other. It goes without saying that you have that same commitment to each of the family.
So, in your absence, it is only fitting that this song of "Home" be dedicated to you and to your faithful Marine family, both in your part of the world and across the globe.
You are missed, loved, and prayed over daily. Enjoy the video.
It is hard to imagine it has already been three years since you literally marched out of our lives. In some ways, it has been a long three years. In others, time has seemed to pass quickly. For example, three years ago, your younger brother was just finishing the 9th grade. While you and your fellow NCO's kept vigil at the embassy half way around the world, we saw him proudly graduate last evening. You know he, like you and his other sisters, was a real stand out. He was selected by audition to perform for the graduation. How fitting it is that he sang a song of home, and the love and affection that we find in being a family. During our last time together, surely you sensed the deep deep love and commitment we have for you and for each other. It goes without saying that you have that same commitment to each of the family.
So, in your absence, it is only fitting that this song of "Home" be dedicated to you and to your faithful Marine family, both in your part of the world and across the globe.
You are missed, loved, and prayed over daily. Enjoy the video.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Sadness in the passing of a Marine friend
In memory of Todd North.
It is with a heavy heart we received the word from our Marine that Todd North, a close friend, and part of our Marine's extended Marine family, had his life taken from him at Flyer's in Havelock last week.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Alyssa, his son Asa, daughter Anna and his parents.
It is with a heavy heart we received the word from our Marine that Todd North, a close friend, and part of our Marine's extended Marine family, had his life taken from him at Flyer's in Havelock last week.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, Alyssa, his son Asa, daughter Anna and his parents.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
"May God help us to accept the truth about who we are, no matter how beautiful it is." M. Wiederkehr
Even the thought of you is cherished. Happy Valentines day.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Wobble Wobble Cha Cha Cha
So comes the time for the CO visit... all the way from UAE to check on the Det and "Footloose" who by the way is back in her normal boot and pushing herself to the max. Today as Vehicle NCO, after an all-night post, the Corporal is taking her vehicles to the shop to be washed and cleaned for the guest soon to arrive.
She is told her healing is four to five weeks ahead of schedule. She says it is because of a pill she takes called Protandim and cream called True Science. I just think she is impressive!
Get your groove on Marine...
She is told her healing is four to five weeks ahead of schedule. She says it is because of a pill she takes called Protandim and cream called True Science. I just think she is impressive!
Get your groove on Marine...
The Wobble at the Marine Ball 2012 as a LCpl |
Monday, February 4, 2013
"Footloose" gets "blood stripe"
Congrats to new NCO Sara for achieving E-4 on February 1, 2013. She will now proudly wear the red stripe on her dress blues and add a stripe to all her uniforms.
Proud of our Sara as she continues her adventure "footloose" and fancy free.... right? And nice deal on the gear you wore today, headset and all....especially the exec "limo" transportation and the personal armed guard en route to Camp Sather..... I know right?
Proud of our Sara as she continues her adventure "footloose" and fancy free.... right? And nice deal on the gear you wore today, headset and all....especially the exec "limo" transportation and the personal armed guard en route to Camp Sather..... I know right?
Thursday, January 31, 2013
YAY!!!! Goodies from far away!!!
WOW! Goodies from Turkey and Egypt via her neighborhood "convenient store".... YUMMM!
Even Taco Flavored Sunflower seeds.... all the packaging has 12 languages describing the contents... go figure... fortunately English is one of them... but you have to look for it, ha! Sugar, chocolate, caramel, sugar, cookies, fruit, and sugar.... NICE!!! Thank you for your taste of culture from this spot on the planet. Way cool.
But best of all, are the FANTASTIC tee shirts and Polo shirts and medallions that came... What about this olive drab tee design... AWESOME
And check out the back side of this Eagle Globe and Anchor... solid Brass and 8.5cm x 8.5cm. Christmas in January!!!
Even Taco Flavored Sunflower seeds.... all the packaging has 12 languages describing the contents... go figure... fortunately English is one of them... but you have to look for it, ha! Sugar, chocolate, caramel, sugar, cookies, fruit, and sugar.... NICE!!! Thank you for your taste of culture from this spot on the planet. Way cool.
But best of all, are the FANTASTIC tee shirts and Polo shirts and medallions that came... What about this olive drab tee design... AWESOME
And check out the back side of this Eagle Globe and Anchor... solid Brass and 8.5cm x 8.5cm. Christmas in January!!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Toe Rates MedEvac Ride
Thanks love for the gruesome pics and the call from the surgery across town! You must have done yourself real proud. "Slash Alpha" won that round, right? We are glad you are doing well and recovering.
What is it with you and your feet? Ha!
The story. Marines grapple. It's a fact of life. Getting thrown over a shoulder and landing on a hard tile floor definitely tested the great toe's ability to stay attached to the foot. But you damaged company property. Not good! Fortunately for you both there was no EtOH abuse or misuse. Did you forget what your mom used to say? (Repeat in high pitch voice) "That's enough of that! It's all fun until someone gets their eye poked out!"... or in your case, gets their toe almost pulled off.
So now it is as repaired and back together as possible and sports a nice pin to keep things immobile for these 9 to 12 weeks.
We are thankful that you were able to somehow stay on post and that your immediate command spoke well and wrote creatively enough to manage that. You will heal quickly in your big boot. You have earned your new handle... "footloose."
Be strong, try to let it heal, and don't overdo it! (wasting my words, I know).
It's looking SO much better!!! Just showing the side damage here with the cute pin. Swelling is looking much better too. Glad you had a Camp Sather close by and that they could put you back together.
What is it with you and your feet? Ha!
The story. Marines grapple. It's a fact of life. Getting thrown over a shoulder and landing on a hard tile floor definitely tested the great toe's ability to stay attached to the foot. But you damaged company property. Not good! Fortunately for you both there was no EtOH abuse or misuse. Did you forget what your mom used to say? (Repeat in high pitch voice) "That's enough of that! It's all fun until someone gets their eye poked out!"... or in your case, gets their toe almost pulled off.
So now it is as repaired and back together as possible and sports a nice pin to keep things immobile for these 9 to 12 weeks.
We are thankful that you were able to somehow stay on post and that your immediate command spoke well and wrote creatively enough to manage that. You will heal quickly in your big boot. You have earned your new handle... "footloose."
Be strong, try to let it heal, and don't overdo it! (wasting my words, I know).
It's looking SO much better!!! Just showing the side damage here with the cute pin. Swelling is looking much better too. Glad you had a Camp Sather close by and that they could put you back together.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
"... if only in my dreams!"
I had to post this precious blessing sent to us by our Marine far from home!
It was read by younger brother to the group as we (24 of us that could be together) sat down to Christmas dinner. Maybe later today we will somehow skype or facetime or something technological to actually see her smiling face.
This morning, she made our Christmas so special thanks to Amazon and the ability to purchase things from the internet. HOLY COW! I can't wait to put the video together from the day and send it to her.
Here is her Christmas blessing:
I wish with all my heart that I could be together with y’all this special day. The temperature is mild and the dust is blowing but our hearts out here are cheerful and thankful for mail from home and the reminders of how much we are missed. I hope everything goes smoothly and I know the dinner was to die for! The Christmas lights sent to me ...are brightening up the mirror in the bathroom [and] around the window in my room next to [your] Christmas card. Y’all are amazing and I miss you. Oh! And my TV is wearing my pink camouflage Santa hat while it babbles Christmas movies ... with English subtitles.. It’s muted though.. I opted to listen to KennyG.. much more relaxing :] The Embassy staff has done quite a fantastic job with making the compound as Christmassy as possible. Christmas lights and giant light up snowflakes twinkle around the Chancery and the Ambassador’s quarters. We handed out toys to [local] orphans on the 22nd after completing our toys for tots drive, as well as sent warm clothes to refugees at [a neighboring country] border. Quite an experience, it seems not many people here have seen a female Marine before! I will most likely be getting ready for work while this is being read, but I want each and every one of you to know you are constantly in my prayers and I love y’all very much. I think what I will miss most is the singing. Such beautiful songs and voices! As well as hugs and smiles and telling Pop Pop how “S’GOOD” my meal was!! It makes my heart happy to know you will all be together this Christmas Day. I love my wonderfully, huge, loving family so very VERY much and I thank you all for the opportunity to share from my little home.... Have some egg nog for me!!! I miss that stuff :D
Your Marine
Sunday, December 23, 2012
One more time HBD2U
Ok, Marine. Happy Birthday one more time on this your day.
We have sung to you constantly. We have talked about you all day. Our eyes have leaked many times. We heard the professionalism in your voice when you called. We miss you.
I know you enjoyed the music and fire on the helipad. That's cool. Never would have guessed that would have happened.
We all love you. Thank you for this adventure in all our lives and for how all of us are becoming better people ... on account of you. xoxoxoxo 143 Sara.... 143!
We have sung to you constantly. We have talked about you all day. Our eyes have leaked many times. We heard the professionalism in your voice when you called. We miss you.
I know you enjoyed the music and fire on the helipad. That's cool. Never would have guessed that would have happened.
We all love you. Thank you for this adventure in all our lives and for how all of us are becoming better people ... on account of you. xoxoxoxo 143 Sara.... 143!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Twenty One Candles
(my apologies to Chris Young for the personal adaptation)
Always will be momma's baby
She always will be daddy's girl
Right now she's drivin' them crazy
Little Red Riding hood... big bad world.
Why wait on twenty-one candles?
She ain't missin' not a minute of "fun"
She ain't worried about one day older
Pretty little "rebel"... on the run.
She ain't tryin' to be hard to handle.
A girls gonna do what she's got to do
She ain't waitin' on twenty-one candles
To fly away ... and test her youth!
Her folks wanna lead her on
but they don't know how.
She wants it all and she wants it right now...
Get it all before the sun goes down.
She ain't waitin', she ain't missin'
She ain't worryin', that girl needs kissin'
She ain't tryin' to be hard to handle.
A girl's gonna do what she's got to do
She'll soon have her 21 candles
Preserve her God ... her life, for You.
She ain't waitin' on twenty-one candles
She ain't missin' not a minute of "fun"
She ain't worried about one day older
Pretty little "rebel"... on the run.
Yeah, them 21 candles.
Friday, December 21, 2012
525,600 minutes 21 times
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year?In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights ... In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in your life?
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried?
In bridges she burned,
Or the way that he died?
Remember the love!
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure a year?In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights ... In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in your life?
How about love?
Measure in love.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried?
In bridges she burned,
Or the way that he died?
Remember the love!
Seasons of love!
You know that love is a gift from up above
Share love, give love, spread love
You know that love is a gift from up above
Share love, give love, spread love
Measure your life in love. .
Monday, December 10, 2012
My prayer.... your prayer... our prayer
Me: I pray that the Lord will listen when you are in trouble, and that the God of Abraham will keep you safe. May the Lord send help and come to your rescue from His holy place.
May He remember your gifts and be pleased with what you bring to Him.
May God do what you want most... and let all go well for you.
Then... you will win victories... large and small... and we will celebrate... while raising our flag and banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord answer all your prayers!
You: "I am certain, Lord, that you will help me, your chosen one. You will answer my prayers from your holy place in heaven, and you will save me with your mighty arm."
Us: Some people trust the power of military might or political influence, but we trust you, Lord God. Others will stumble and fall, but we will be strong and stand firm.
(adapted from Holy scripture)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Post One at Three Months In
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"WHAT??? Did someone say SARA? Where? .... Where is she?" "Buddy.... get OFF the couch!!!" |
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"Awwww!....Well, I'll just wait here at my Post One and guard my AC vent!!!" |
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Heidi and Cody said "Wait... did someone say Sara... ? Really?" Heidi... wipe that cheesy smile off your face!! |
Seems to me to be a solitary kind of assignment. At least that is what I get from the DOS FSO's on sight. They have been known to blog that 12 months there could possibly do one of four things to the individual:
- Turn you into a chunk (eating too much)
- Turn you into a hunk (spending all your free time in the gym)
- Turn you into a drunk (partying all the time with the same people you work with)
- Put you in a funk (spending all time alone, reading, writing or on the computer studying online).
Congrats on testing out on your GREEN Belt with MCMAP. I know it was tough when it was your turn to be the dummy. I hated that you were in such pain.
I sent off a box of Arthromend and Immuforte (with some other goodies) today. It was fun to send you a little care package.
Sara I am glad you are safe during these days of unrest. Goodness, what a crazy world we live in. I bet you and the others there (colleagues) would be happy to go to any Embassy and let people know that the diplomatic missions are NOT to be toyed with. People have a right to their opinions, but when destruction and death result, action seems to be the only understandable response. Apologies and gestures fall pitifully short.
So, I get weekendly updates from our neighbor across the street. He tells me everything he has learned and is doing, the gear he is using, the details behind all the equipment, weaponry, procedures, etc. I am amazed at his ability to retain information that he is so interested in. I told him I thought he would be a good teacher. He has changed significantly since he left here on May 8 as you may imagine. I think the change has been more dramatic since he began SOI. He will be finishing that up in the next couple of weeks and then it's off to who knows where. We pray for his safety too.
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Comrades pushing through SOI in the mountains of California. I get updates each weekend. Not very pretty training... digging in... and all related ... nasty tough job. PFC Sams is RFI with his gear. |
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Compound Amenities
Monday, September 3, 2012
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
On the way... the next chapter
Friday, June 29, 2012
MSG Battallion adds 89
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Of the 132 that started, 89 were able to complete. Congrats on being 3rd in your class!!! |
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Best time ever at Panera Bread at Stafford Marketplace with these three. |
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Tim's Rivershore Restaurant and CrabHouse on the Potomac |
Friday, June 15, 2012
Good job with all your qual tests. Congrats on getting past the board. I know you are pumped. Gas chamber and OC behind you I hope. Rest, recover. You have endured so much.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
"OC Distressed"
Friday - Oleoresin Capsicum Qual to Carry training
Five minutes of hell -- a waterhose in the eyes -- and an hour of stinging pain.
Self discipline, self control, extreme discomfort.
Five minutes of hell -- a waterhose in the eyes -- and an hour of stinging pain.
Self discipline, self control, extreme discomfort.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Seven Weeks of Intensity
◦ Security
◦ Antiterrorism
◦ Protection of classified materials
◦ Defensive tactics
◦ Chemical munitions
◦ Handcuffing
◦ First Aid
◦ Emergency response
◦ Expandable baton
◦ M9 Beretta service pistol
◦ Remington M870 12-guage shotgun
◦ M4 rifle
◦ Social etiquette
◦ Administrative procedures
The close relationship between the Department of State and the United States Marine Corps is almost as old as the Corps itself. For over 200 years Marines have served “In every clime and place” at the request of various Secretaries of State.
Detachments are involved in every facet of life within the American community they serve. Whether hosting social events, sponsoring local community activities, or just generally adding to the rich experience of living overseas, our Marine Security Guards are indeed "Ambassadors in Blue." Recent events, however, have clearly highlighted the true benefit and mission of the detachments.
The unexpected attack of the consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (December 2004), as well as the unplanned and unexpected evacuation of the embassies in Freetown, Sierra Leone (May 1997), Brazzaville, Congo (June 1997), N’Djamena, Chad (2008), and Conakry, Guinea (2009) were greatly facilitated by the actions of the Marine detachments. Whether organizing convoys to the airport, destroying classified equipment, or providing protection to embassy personnel, the MSGs of these detachments were uniformly praised for their actions. Most recently, Marine Security Guards maintained embassy security and assisted with the crisis management during the immediate aftermath of earthquakes in Port au Prince, Haiti and Santiago, Chile.
Qualified volunteers for this special duty continue to be recommended by their Commanding Officers and ordered to Marine Security Guard School for seven weeks of extensive training, screening, and processing. Today, over 1,100 Marine Security Guards serve at 149 posts in 135 different countries throughout the world. The distinguished reputation enjoyed by all Marine Security Guards has been earned by their outstanding performance of duty while accomplishing an important mission for the United States of America. The constant reference of many American Ambassadors to "My Marines" is a source of great pride to the Corps.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Military knowledge and competence are not enough; Professionalism means demonstrating courage, subordination of self to the greater whole, and most importantly, moral integrity. I will:
- Be technically and tactically proficient in my duties through continuous training and education.
- Be reliable in my duties, dependable in my actions, and exercise initiative whenever possible.
- Deal with all individuals with tact, bearing, and fairness in all matters.
- Maintain standards in personal appearance and physical fitness.
- Constantly seek to improve myself both personally and professionally.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Discipline is not merely compliance with a set of rules and regulations drawn up for the purpose of preserving order in an organization. It may be defined as the habit of instantaneous and instinctive obedience under any and all circumstances. I will:
- Have the moral courage to do what is right, regardless if someone is watching.
- Be an Ambassador in Blue and a diplomat at all times, projecting a positive image of the United States and the Marine Corps both on and off duty.
- Be ready to respond to emergency situations and fulfill my duties 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Adhere to the Core Values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment.
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